You are Officially Invited

to Celebrate the

Divine Harmony DesignAcademy Grand Opening

Monday April 3, 2023!

We will be activating our Academy throughout 2023!

January 23rd to 27th- Our Kickoff 5 Day LIVE Awaken to Spirit - Broken to Bountiful Course

April 3rd- 6 Highly Effective Fundamental Courses to enhance and expand your Transformational & Healing Journey!

July 3rd- 5 Conscious Manifestation Fundamental Courses to assist in integration and implementation on your Transformational & Healing Journey!

September 4th- 4 Self-Discovery Fundamental Courses to internalize and maximize your Transformational & Healing Journey!

October 9th- 2 Powerful Purpose Driven Fundamental Courses to skyrocket your Transformational & Healing Journey!

Our Divine Harmony Design™ is a guided coaching system that helps Beings uncover,

then begin to manage and heal “Life Blocks”

We focus on 7 specific areas (Tiers) of our life experience which we call "Life's Divine Heptagon."

Life's Divine Heptagon™
Our proven system assists and guides clients in moving forward towards a healthy, balanced, purposeful and abundant future path.
We do this by helping you in gaining & implementing specific micro & macro goals, steps and plans of action.

Together we will...
1. Gain important information about you & your personal goal(s), desires and/or struggles 
2. Gain a clear meaning to why having just one “Life Block,” can damage a multitude of areas in one's life 
3. Share with you how OUR focused steps, combined with YOUR goal(s), passions and drive, will help guide you and focus you toward your need(s) 
4. Encourage you to delve deeper within in order to accomplish your ultimate vision(s) and desire(s), Empowering & Transforming YOU to the BEST parts of YOU!
And so much more!

We are dedicated to YOUR SUCCESS! 

We are here to assist YOU! 

We are open arms and hearts for the best of YOUR Human Experiences in this Great Big Universe of Ours. 

Bundle Packages

Starting in the Beginning of November 2023
If you choose to participate in our 6-month "Divine Mind, Body & Soul" program you will receive ALL 6 Tiers with a combination of 6 different 'Fundamental" courses, one from each Tier.
Whereas, if you choose to participate in our 12-month "Passion to Purpose" program you will receive ALL 6 of our Tiers and a combination of 11 different "Fundamental" courses depending on where you feel you need the most guidance and support. Meaning you will be receiving 2 "Fundamental" courses from 5 Tiers and your last course will be our "Financial Framework" "Fundamental" course.
Light & Love Monthly Package
Light & Love
Month to Month (5 weeks) Package

This Package is comprised of 17 distinct Fundamental Courses and is perfect for

  • Beings who have specific short-term goal(s)
  • Beings who desire quick action and flexibility
  • Beings who are in the midst of a life change or life chaos and need direction, support and guidance
Divine Mind, Body & Soul
6 Month (30 Weeks) Package

This Package is perfect for

  • Beings who have or need to find their short/long-term goal(s)
  • Beings who desire to unblock and move closer to their healing process of significant "Life Blocks"
  • Beings who are in the midst of a life change or life chaos and need direction, support and guidance
Passion to Purpose
12 Month (55 weeks) Package

This Package is perfect for

  • Beings who have or need to find their long-term goal(s)
  • Beings who desire to unblock and go deeper into their healing process of "Life Blocks," setbacks, vicious cycles, etc.
  • Beings who are in the midst of a life change or life chaos and need direction, support and guidance
  • Beings who desire to know themselves on a deeper level
  • Beings who are motivated to reconnect with their passion(s) and create the Best Life they have ever lived
See what others have to say...

"The experience I have been having over the last 3 months is very insightful and I look forward to working through the next 6 months gaining so much more insight, ... I believe my coach LadyTea was very experienced and organized. She listens well and made sure to address my current issue ... LadyTea in the first session was able to help me view things in a different light. She also made me really think about why I have been stuck and struggling for so long... I believe LadyTea is a miracle worker and if she can do what she did on just our first few sessions I really can't wait to be involved in our next few sessions. I would like to say to Divine God-dess of Harmony, thank you for your amazing impact on the world. I believe we all need to be helped and educated in finding self-peace and centering (what LadyTea calls it). I would like to tell others, you really need to sign-up... because believe me when you do, it will be a no-brainer to sign up for a full length programs.”

~ Carl P.


Our Course Tiers

Tier #1
Spirituality, Inner & Higher-Self

Want to enhance your Spiritual Aspect of Life?

You've come to the right place! 

Click picture above to learn more!

4 Different "FUNDAMENTAL" Courses

Tier #2
Health, Wellness, Emotions

Health is imperative to Livelihood & Longevity. 


Click picture above to learn more!

3 Different "FUNDAMENTAL" Courses

Tier #3
Relationships & Social Life

Having Healthy Relationships with others is key to a Healthy Life.

Let us help you gain Healthy Relationships.  

Click picture above to learn more!

2 Different "FUNDAMENTAL" Courses

Tier #4
Career, Passion, Purpose

 Want to change your career? Gain Clarity on Creativity, Passion or Purpose? 

We can assist. 

Click picture above to learn more!

4 Different "FUNDAMENTAL" Courses

Tier #5

 Gain, Share, Empower! 

Need We Say More?  

Click picture above to learn more!

3 Different "FUNDAMENTAL" Courses

Tier #6

Money, Money, Money... We want it and need it to survive,

but how do we manage it to KEEP it FLOWING?

Click picture above to learn more!

1 Significant Transformational "FUNDAMENTAL" Course


One of our main missions is to collaborate with Beings in all areas of the World and all walks of life to assist and give service to those who may be lost and suffering in their LIFE!

We believe that, many Beings who NEED help, often have a difficult time reaching out and asking; because they believe NO ONE could possibly understand what they are going through. 

But, Our Community hopes YOU know, there are ALWAYS others who have been where you are right NOW. And because of this FACT we aim to share our stories, sources, resources, hearts and LOVE with those who will benefit. 


We have been guided to create an informative, educational and healing space of CARING, JUDGEMENT-FREE, SUPPORT, GUIDANCE & LOVE For ALL!

Wherever you are on your Transformational Journey we desire to stand right beside YOU!
*Currently we are on our private Facebook and our Larger Private Community will Launch March 1st, 2023.


Hello, my name is LadyTea

I am the CEO & Founder of Divine God-dess of Harmony, LLC and Divine Harmony Design™ Academy. I am a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Educator, Certified Holistic Reiki Master, Master Herbalist, Entrepreneur & Mother of 3 beautiful young adult "children," who are my inspiration & partners in this AMAZING BUSINESS JOURNEY! 

The "WHY" of this Academy is: I believe it is important to really know who WE are. Not the physical shell, which most individuals perceive to be who we are first, but the true inner-US.

I know how it feels to live through the "hopeless," the "not enough" and the "chaotic lost." My life has not always been aligned and it also has not always been consciously & purposefully lived, this is a daily growing and healing process. 

I want you to know, YOU are not alone on your journey. This is something I have had to re-learn.

YOU are wonderfully and uniquely made for the life YOU are in, RIGHT NOW.

Life is definitely what we make it and to know better we have to seek and do better.

Let US assist you to get there!

Khanya, Love & Blessings

LadyTea Sturns